How to Install Free SSL Certificate
- 07 Sep, 2019
- Technology
How to Install Free SSL Certificate for Domain/Website
- Open website
- Enter name of domain/website for which you want to generate SSL
- Click on "manual verification" middle box
- Click on "Manually Verify Domain" button
- Download 2 files as mentioned in 1st Step
- Login into your Cpanel, go to "File Manager"
- Open folder "Public_html"
- Click on "Create Folder", enter name of folder as ".well-known"
- Refresh page, check if "acme-challenge" foldr exist in folder ".well-known", if not
then create "acme-challenge" folder
- Uplaod files, 2 files which you downloaded (as mentioned in Step 5)
- On "" page click on Step 5 urls, they should return numbers
- Click on "Download SSL Certificate"
- Unzip downloaded certificate folder
- On CPanel home page Click on SSL/TSL box under "Security" section
- Under Private Keys (KEY)
Click on
"Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys"
- Go to bottom of screen and click on "Choose File" and browse private key file from
folder which you unzipped
- Click on "upload" button to upload file
- Go Back to Cpanel and click on SSL/TSL box under "Security" section
- Under Certificates (CRT)
Click on
Generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificate
- Click on "Choose File" and browse "certificate" file from unzipped folder
- Click on "Upload Certificate" button
- Go Back to Cpanel and click on SSL/TSL box under "Security" section
- Under "Install and Manage SSL fro your site (HTTPS)"
Click on
"Manage SSL Sites."
- In "Domain" list, select domain name and click on "Autofill by Domain"
- Click on "Install Certificate"
- A pop up window opens. click on "Ok" button
SSL installation complete